The Zegoal mobile app enables the creation of tasks with the use of pre-created forms. Employees with extended rights can create tasks not only for themselves, but also for other users.


In order to create a task, go to the Plan tab of the mobile app and click the Create button.

A window with task parameters will be displayed on the screen. 

It is necessary to choose:

  1. Form(Task template). A template is a list of actions to be performed for the task to be completed. It is created in advance by the Administrator.
  2. Company.
  3. Location. If you select a location first, the name of the company will be automatically filled in.
  4. Assignee(Executor). By default, the person who creates the task is selected as the executor.
  5. Start date. By default, the current date is selected, and the period is set to all day.
  6. Contact
  7. Asset
  8. Description


The Contact, Property and Description fields are optional unless otherwise configured by the Administrator.

After filling in all the fields, click the Create button in the upper right corner.

The task can be edited as long as it has the Scheduled for Execution status. 

To edit a task, select the task, and then click the Pencil button in the upper right corner. Edit the required fields and click Save.