The Zegoal mobile app interface consists of four main tabs: Schedule, CRM, Notification and Profile.
The Schedule tab contains information about the tasks that have been assigned to the employee. All work can be divided into the following three categories:
- My Tasks (tasks that have been assigned to the employee)
- Projects (tasks that can be assigned to a group of employees, and the persons responsible for a specific stage of work are determined in the course of execution)
- All Tasks.
Employees with extended rights can not only work with the tasks that have been assigned to them, but also create new tasks both for themselves and for other users.
The CRM tab contains information about:
- Company
- Location
- Asset
- Contact
By clicking directly on the Company, Location, Asset or Contact, the employee can find out more detailed information, as well as view the available activities.
In the Notification tab, the user can view messages about the comments that have been submitted. The user also receives push notifications about the assigned tasks and notes.
In the Profile tab, an employee can check information about the version of the mobile app, the status of GPS services, view the type of Internet connection set by the administrator, control their working hours and generate a report on working hours, as well as generate log files at the request from technical support and log out of the app.
Navigation between the tabs is carried out by clicking the corresponding icons at the top and bottom of the screen.
In the Zegoal app, information can be searched and filtered. For example, tasks can be filtered by date/period, executor, company, location, property, contact, state and status of the task.
The information available for viewing and editing is determined by the role of the employee, which is set by the Administrator. The app allows to both limit the viewing of information, and, conversely, provide the ability to control other executors.